So you want to be an author, or maybe you’re curious about what it takes to become one? Me too! My name is Jesse and I recently signed with a literary agency. I’m hoping my writing journey can be helpful to you as I navigate the road to publication. It won’t be easy, but as my Dad likes to say – nothing worthwhile is easy.

As with every book, we must start at the beginning. Who am I, and why did I start writing? Why would I spend vast amounts of time poring over word choice and character archetypes and plot structure when I could just be watching Netflix? And why is it worth your time to read all this?

Hi again. I’m Jesse, 27, born and raised in the Boston area. In a nutshell, I’m a walking Asian stereotype. You know, good at math, plays piano, can’t handle alcohol or a steering wheel. No Starbucks barista has ever spelt my name correctly, domestically or internationally. I once got carded for an R-rated movie when I was twenty-three. I spent most of my childhood studying things that I can no longer remember, and grew up rather lonely as a result. Books were my solace.

After college, I worked a nine to five and spent my commute daydreaming about different worlds. For many months, there was a hunger in my chest that I’d never felt before in my life, a itch I didn’t know how to scratch. I’d always loved reading, but didn’t know if I could ever translate those worlds into stories.

I mean, come on. My high school essays got C’s. All of my college coursework was in computer science and statistics. No chance, right?

But then my grandfather passed away, and everything changed. I questioned what I was doing with my life and whether my family’s sacrifices to immigrate here had been worth it. They gave up their friends, their country, for the sake of a dream. A dream of a better life for me and my brother.

So what could I do to ensure that those sacrifices weren’t in vain?

One day, I decided to commit to a dream of my own. An aspiration that, someday, I could write life-changing books for kids. I want to tell stories that can touch hearts and change minds, stories that bring us all closer together.

Too ambitious? Perhaps.

As I grew as a writer, I kept waiting for an insurmountable hurdle. A sign that I couldn’t do it. At every turn, I kept learning and meeting challenges as they arose, through competitions and twitter pitch events and posting Harry Potter fanfiction for a Vietnamese fanbase. I came up with universes of characters that turned into chapters that turned into full-length manuscripts.

I haven’t found that hurdle yet. I’ve grappled with insecurity and self-worth my entire life. Self-deprecation is my middle name. So it’s not a small thing for me to declare, in public writing, that:

For my family, for future generations, and for you, I can do this. I will reach that dream. And I’ll help you get there too.

Watch me.